Our E-Learning Courses

We know how hard it can be to arrange external training for staff – it is not always practical to send them on training courses away from work. With this in mind, we can provide quality, approved e-learning courses to suit all food businesses. Your staff can learn at their own pace and in their own time. And when they finish – they can then print off their Certificate as Confirmation of their Food Safety knowledge.

Join our Online Courses today!

Our Food Safety Courses

We have therefore teamed up with media experts, VideoTile, to offer unique online training courses that will comply with food safety legislation. In addition, it is invaluable to have the confidence of knowing that your staff have received appropriate training in line with their work activities. Our training courses have been developed using our food safety experience as well as VideoTile’s extensive knowledge; as a result of this, our course will be enjoyed by all students.

We also provide food safety courses in our own CIEH Centres, so please get in touch for more information.

Contact Us For Details

We offer personal consultancy services for small and large businesses nationwide. Our consultancy service will help you improve the quality of the products you store and supply. If you need more information, feel free to get in touch today. You can also enrol on our food safety courses.